Diagonal Sofa Space Divider
01 Diagonal 05 2012 01
Diagonal Trailer 2011 01
Diagonal 091124 04 Documents Jpg 1200 Px
Diagonal 091124 05 Documents Jpg 1200 Px
Diagonal 091124 06 Documents Jpg 1200 Px
Diagonal 091124 02
Diagonal 091124 03 Documents Jpg 1200 Px
Diagonal 091124 01
  • Diagonal Sofa Space Divider
  • 01 Diagonal 05 2012 01
  • Diagonal Trailer 2011 01
  • Diagonal 091124 04 Documents Jpg 1200 Px
  • Diagonal 091124 05 Documents Jpg 1200 Px
  • Diagonal 091124 06 Documents Jpg 1200 Px
  • Diagonal 091124 02
  • Diagonal 091124 03 Documents Jpg 1200 Px
  • Diagonal 091124 01

Martela DIAGONAL sofa / space divider

Diagonal is an innovative combination of sofa and space divider. Diagonal is easy to create into a relaxed environment for small conferences or for a lobby layout.

Of the four sofa elements, one is slightly higher than the others and offers a place for a laptop or any other device.

Diagonals can be combined to create striking and stylish layouts. Change the places of the sofa elements and the space dividers to create endless combinations.

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DIAGONAL sofa / space divider

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Martela DIAGONAL sofa / space divider




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